Minecraft Legends Video Outlines New Mobs, Piglins, and More

Blackbird Interactive outlines the new Golem units, from the Plank Golem acting as a turret to the Mossy Golem that heals nearby allies.

Minecraft remains as popular as ever, but with Minecraft Legends, Mojang is pursuing a different direction for the franchise. As an action strategy title developed by Blackbird Interactive of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak fame, it sees the player and various mobs of the world banding together to fight back against invading Piglins.

Legends has traditional mobs like Zombies, Skeletons and Creepers that aren’t hostile – you can befriend them, and they’ll fight for you. However, there are also new units to recruit. In a new video, the developer details different Golems, who look cute but pack a punch.

The Plank Golem is a ranged unit which acts as a turret. The Cobblestone Golem is a slow melee unit, while the Grindstone Golem knocks back enemy units, creating space. Finally, your Mossy Golem is a support unit that can heal nearby allies and the hero. If you don’t want to use the new units, you don’t have to. The Skeleton Archers, for example, are there as ranged units.

The Piglins have their unique enemy types. There are the Grunters and Runts who are sent in first, wielding weapons larger than themselves. But there are also bigger units like the Flail Pig, Portal Guard, and Bruiser. Overall, the idea is to introduce things unique to Legends but ensure that the story and mystery dear to the franchise is “respected.”

Minecraft Legends is out in 2023 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Check out some more gameplay here.